
Landsford Canal State Park, Part Two

We finally got to revisit the canals in a bit warmer weather.  Our friend Casey joined us on the hike along with our puppers, Oliver and Hugger. It was a beautiful day and I still forgot my sunscreen so if you've seen me then you know how that goes.  As per usual, there are no pictures of me because I'm the only one who knows how to use a camera.  So it kinda looks like I'm documenting Casey and Clint's date, or maybe Hugger and Olivers,' But, you know, whatever. We ended the hike the hike successfully despite Oliver jumping down from a bridge and doing a faceplant.  We then went to Carolina Beer Temple for refreshments and then Umami for sushi takeout! Because nothing ends a hike better then beer and sushi. 

Monroe Air Show

A couple months back I went with Clint and some of our friends to the Air Show, even though I know nothing about airplanes.  Clint loves them though so Laura and I followed him, Trevor, Ryan, and Jackson around from place to place. We did find the beer garden! Which they had hidden away in a back corner so the hooligans were properly corralled. And we also saw a truck with a jet engine inside of it.  Craziness. 

Lori and Ryan Engagement

Though we didn't get to drag race, we did get the strip to ourselves for the engagement. Lori was mostly in the dark especially when we got there and they had just closed because of the rain (even though we called before we left and they said they were staying open).  She did have her suspicions; apparently Ryan was acting a little more lovey dovey than normal the night before. And after she told him how cool it would have been if he proposed at the drag strip they met at (its closed since then); he said, "It would still be cool if it was another drag strip rightttt?"  Way to be subtle there Ryan.   We did convince Lori we were going to take some pictures of the truck on the strip, though I think the gig might have been up when Ryan told her to get into the pictures. 

So, Ryan and Lori met at a drag strip and eight years later Ryan asked her to marry him at another one! 

Glider in a Bucket Wish

As some of you may know, my grandfather moved in with my parents as he was recently diagnosed with stage four bone cancer. He shared with my father that he's always wanted to fly in a glider (something that would scare the bejeesus out of me.)  My father (an architect) just so happens to be doing a project for Michael Simmons, a man who frequently goes up and flies gliders.  He offered to take Papa up flying on Sunday so we made it a family affair.  So the whole family all headed down to Bermuda High Soaring and watched a 90-year-old man do something the majority of us are scared to do, get towed a mile into the air, and fly around in a plane with no engine. 

Lucky Box of Charms

As some of you may know, The Boy (Clint) and I took an amazing trip to Ireland a week ago.  We had impeccable timing everywhere we went, from getting to restaurants or museums before the crowd or narrowly missing rain when we did outdoor activities It started from the very beginning in the Chicago airport of all places.  It's possible we waltzed our way right into the First Class Lounge and relaxed for a bit before our plane was ready to board.

 And the plane! As soon as we were boarding a bunch of Irish international choir kids started serenading us. They were very talented, here's a video of the back of the chair in front of me with a soundtrack thanks to those kids. 

The flight attendant made them stop for the takeoff presentation though... They did sing again when we were getting our luggage in Ireland and it was just as amazing.  A great way to start a trip.

I did immediately leave my sweater at the rental car place and we had to go back for it, but that was a minor bump in the trip... and an extra toll pass (we set the GPS to avoid tolls after that, best decision we made). 

The first castle we stayed in was the Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel and we immediately went out exploring despite my very pronounced jet-lag (Clint can sleep on planes; I clearly have some issues). We found our first pub (through tripadvisor) at the top of a hill, called The Druid's Chair.  Our bartender was super helpful about where we should go and what we should see.  Although apparently he had a summer job in Myrtle Beach as a rollercoaster operator of all places and all things so clearly his tastes have improved. 

After that we drove into Dublin (a mistake we didn't make twice- Clint driving in a city is bad, Clint driving on the wrong side of the road in a city is very stressful) and walked around.  We went to Walton's to take a look at all the Bodhrans. (Clint dreams of playing as good as our friend Jim.) Then we got coffee and beer at a pub, but the jet-lag was definitely getting to us and we headed back to the hotel/castle for a sleepy meal.  I mean look at us. 

Hellloooooo Jetlag

Then we went up to the room to watch Brave because it was on Netflix and The Secret of Kells was not. Clint still needs to watch it and you should too!

The next day we had a day entirely devoted to Irish Alcohol.  Starting at St. James Gate and Guinness and then heading over to Jameson's Distillery.  At Guinness we learned how to pour our own glass of Guinness and got a certificate like a little kid to prove it.  Along with a picture where we and a handful of strangers all look a bit confused and ridiculous.  We did learn a lot about the brewing process they use as well as the history of Guinness including it's transportation history and advertising history. 

After we had been up to the very tippy top of Guinness we headed over to the Old Jameson Distillery, where Clint wouldn't let me take any photo's so I only got this one.

 Everyone can blame him for how little good photography is in this post. We did both learn the proper way to make Irish Coffee's as well as the fact that we both like Scotch more than Whiskey (DON'T HURT US IRELAND, we really like Powers Irish Whiskey if that's any consolation).  In fact, the Irish Coffee was so good we got it again that night at the Fitzpatrick's bar, but not before we found out that there was a Captain America's Restaurant in Dublin!  It was crazy crowded and the food looked 'meh' so we just went in to say we went in and bounced. 

The next morning we headed North and West to get to Kilronan Castle Hotel which had the most amazing thermal pools. Just giant hot tubs (and cold tubs) as well as a steam room, a sauna, and a "relaxation room."  Again, the lack of photo's is entirely Clint's fault.... Though this is where I realized that the chances of getting any decent in-focus pictures of me where slim to none. Behold:

After I had my gut-wrenching realization we headed into town to go to church where I didn't understand much of what the priest was saying, but did manage to realize that he blessed Roscommon's football team at the end of this sermon.  We then headed into Carrick-on-Shannon and had some lunch at An Poitin Still where we saw the people getting ready for the game before going to Lough Key Forest Park (yes, I did walk for miles in that long dress and I have no regrets - except for not teaching Clint how to properly focus a camera).  I did get some of the best photos of the trip here though since I had Clint captive out in the wilderness.  As you can see, Clint has some problems focusing on my face, and I have some problems getting him to turn around so I can take a picture of his face without it being goofy.  It's okay, he'll just look stoic while he walks away from me in every picture I guess. 

Then came the day you've all been waiting to hear about! The day Clint randomly asked me if he should shave and weirdly told me that morning, "Yeah, I like that shirt. That shirt looks good." So obviously, I had no idea what was going to happen and I definitely didn't think his weird obsession with what day we were going to the Cliffs of Moher was suspicious.  Definitely not. We got up on the cliffs by O'Brien's Tower and Clint suggested we get someone to take a picture of us (which was also not weird since he had been so gungho to take pictures the rest of the trip. Hmmmm.). He ended up asking this awesome Australian couple because they had a DSLR and seemed trustworthy. Their names were Kerry and Adrian so clearly it was meant to be.  Kerry took pictures of us with my phone (Clint had no memory on his) while Adrian was nice enough to snap a few with his DSLR and emailed them to us later! Thanks Adrian and Kerry!

Anyway, Clint came back up the steps to where he told me to (very not suspiciously) wait and was like, "You know I love you right?" 

I said, "Yeahhhhhhhh?"

And then he got down on one knee, as one does, and said, "I asked your parents and they're down with it, so will you marry me."  It was very Clint.  And I'm not going to lie, I may have been making grabby hands at the ring and be leaving parts out that were a total blur in my memory. 

Here are the pictures that Adrian took (Kerry made an appearance):

Kerry got excited and shed a few tears when Clint told them he was going to propose.  Here are the one's she got with my phone.  Got to say, we don't look to bad.  Though I am mad that the roads were way too scary for me to put on makeup in the car.  And sorry Matt, he didn't propose with a ring box full of the diamonds from Lucky Charms.

And some great shots of the Cliffs! With a few of us looking goofy in there.  Maybe an out of focus picture of me or two. 

After the Cliffs we headed to our next castle, Dromoland Castle! Which was a super neat place.  And when we told them we just got engaged they gave us Champagne and had chocolates sent to our room with a congratulatory note! That night we had some oysters and breakfast for dinner before Clint had a celebratory cigar. Frank, our bartender, also serenaded us with, of all things, a few beautifully done Frank Sinatra songs. 

The next day, we went on as many adventures that Dromoland had to offer us that we could. We started with Falconry, then horseback riding, and then Archery.  After we flew Brian the Hawk, we went and met the other hawks in the mew as well as a few owls. One of the owls was awesome and his name was Pickles and I wanted to take him home.  That night I actually had a dream about sneaking back in to see Pickles. 

Then was Clint's first time on horseback! He did pretty great though we did get led around a bit by Clara because she was a bit nervous of his total newness and of my newness to the English riding style. 

Then came Archery.  We were both pretty good I must say, though my boobs are definitely a hindrance to proper form as the string kept hitting them when I pulled it back.  I want to make clear that Clint's bullseye picture has an arrow taken out of the white around the edge that he didn't want anyone to see. I'm telling you so that you know he isn't perfect at everything involving a bullseye.  Me on the other hand...

After our adventures we took a quick nap (Clint took a long one) and then we went into Newmarket on Fergus for dinner.  We stopped at The Hunter's Lodge for some great food, a beer and some conversation with and older man at the bar about baby sheep. Then we decided to hop to another bar.  We ended up at the aptly named, The Pub, and I immediately realized that my leather jacket's zipper had broken with me in it.  

Clint abandoned me to the bar to go pee and one of the older gentlemen at the bar watched as I struggled to try to fix the zipper.  He was like, "I'd try to help you, but I don't think your husband would like that."  I eventually had to take the jacket off over my head and once we got the zipper free try (and fail a few times) to remember that I couldn't actually zip it. 

It turned out that this gentlemen was the head chef at the Dromoland and once we had said that we just got engaged the day before him and the other three men at the bar started buying us drinks.  We literally paid for the first round and that was it.  A dude at the end of the bar that had such a heavy accent (compounded by the fact that he was definitely drunk) that I couldn't understand him was buying us different types of shots.  And they were all ribbing each other about things and getting into arguments over nothing (apparently the Chinese restaurant down the street is run by Malaysians). 

It won't be a surprise to anyone that getting up the next morning was not a fun experience, but we did, and we took an hour detour into Galway to explore. And I'm sorry to say, I got one picture. Totally Clint's fault.  And the downpour of rain right when I took my camera out. But! The picture legitimizing my love of whiskey and ginger ale and all the people that look at me when I order that can suck it.

From Galway we went back to the northern part of Ireland where we were staying at the Dunboyne Castle Hotel.  It too had a thermal room, but their pools did not seem as hot as Kilronan's. 

The next day we went back into Dublin for a day of actual history and culture instead of just alcohol.  Our first stop was the beautiful Trinity College to see the equally beautiful Book of Kells (again, go see the movie). I didn't get to take any pictures of the Book of Kells, for obvious reasons, but the library above it was magnificent. Apparently the library in Hogwarts was based off of it, and we all know how much I love Harry Potter. And books. And History. And, you know, Harry Potter.

After Trinity College we made our way to St. Patrick's Cathedral for some more history lessons and architecture.  When we got there we were lucky enough to be in time for an unscheduled choir performance.  And let me tell you, It was awesome. 

After that we tried to find oysters.  We failed miserably, but we did find a cool bar that led us to Darkey Kelley's where we saw an older gentlemen drink six Guinness' while we drank one beer.  He was watching the horse races and he didn't get up to pee once. It was insane. 

After our adventure's running around Dublin that day we went back to the Dunboyne for a final huzzah dinner. We even got champagne and chocolate again because ENGAGED!


And that's all she wrote about Ireland. Well, we'll see. 

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Landsford Canal State Park

Clint and I took a trip down to South Carolina this weekend to hike.  We went to Landsford Canal State Park and have plans to go back in the summer when it is not 32 degrees and we can canoe!  How I managed to get a sunburn walking through the woods in mostly shade, we may never know.  Also, as you can see from the first picture, I've got no jumps. 

Testing + My Favourite Color

As many of you know, I work in a mostly product oriented studio.  And as many of you also might know, I don't have much of a product portfolio, but I'm working on changing that. Lately I've been working with different stylists, mostly the lovely Lauren Skrobot, to make some awesome images.  I'll be posting different ones up here periodically.  Starting with this very finicky image combining both of our favourite colors: teal and gray. We've got three personalities in one; the hipster-photographer, the fashionista, and the crafter.  Yes those are 7.62x39 rounds made into a bracelet, and yes that is a purse-sized hair straightener, and yes we did own all of these items. Which personality do you most resemble?

Boston, Beer, and Boats

In May, I went to visit my cousin Elizabeth - better known as Sniz- in Boston.  Boston is an awesome town because it's just a tinier, more clean version of New York City and we all know how I feel about New York City.  My Amazing Aunt gave me a ticket to see Sniz anytime I wanted for Christmas/my Birthday and I finally cashed it in. 

We got to do all sorts of fun cousin things; like actually try on a bra that fits me (I could blog about this for days), drink beer, shop, watch scary TV shows, and go whale watching.  

First we drank beer. Both at The Whiskey Priest, which has an awesome upstairs deck that looks out on the harbor, and at Harpoon Brewery.  It was the first time I got to experience the brewery's beer hall and I have to say it was awesome.  In addition to having amazing beer, they also have ridiculously good pretzels with different sauces to soak up all that alcohol.  It was supposed to rain all weekend, and instead we ended up having absolutely beautiful weather- especially for the whale watching. 

We went whale watching on Sunday.  It was also supposed to rain, and it clearly did not.  We did get majorly lucky and saw about 11 or so different Humpback and Fin whales. You can read about it here on the NEAQ's website.  Apparently seeing so many whales is uncommon, but there was a large population explosion of what the whales fed on at the time so we got lucky. 

Uncle Steve

A few weeks ago my uncle took my request to make me gazpacho for my Mom's birthday (which was delicious, but perhaps not the first thing my mum wanted).  So I took his request to take some handsome, head shots of him.  As well as his request to look trustworthy and not like a cranky old man.  How did I do?

PS: You should take a look at his website- He's one of the smartest people I know. 

Snowed In

I had the good fortune of getting off work early because of snow for my birthday and then I spent the next couple of days snowed in with my roommate and a couple of his friends.  There were snowball fights, board games, and booze.  We may have even pulled each other on a plastic tub's lid behind a car (safely of course). I guess after two days in an apartment together they get to be called my friends too. 

The 90th

Months ago I photographed my Great Uncle's 90th birthday.  We had barbecue outside with the garden, and the dogs, and the sunlight.  I got to see my cousins, and second cousins that I hadn't seen in ages.  And I got to stalk everyone with my camera, which is certainly something I love to do.  Not being in constant contact with me (and my camera) as my immediate family is, they were a bit awkward and shy at first; but then I got sneakier and they got more relaxed and I got some awesome photos.  

Little Miss Muffet

For this shoot, I went up to visit a friend in Davidson and we decided it would be a perfect time to make her model for me.  She used to model all the time for me when i was just a wee Photo 1 student, so it was like old times.  We actually planned on getting up super early so we could take photos at dawn in the field by her house and at the dock.  However, we were not counting on it being completely overcast.  The dawn light was not as dynamic as we wanted it to be at all. Waking up at 4:30 am was a bust.  We continued to try to take photos though, moving on to the dock and trying to use the water as a natural reflector with no luck.  There were some alright pictures, but definitely not exactly what I was looking for.  

A nice dock picture.  Kelly got in the water and was a trooper.

We did take some nice pictures outside of Kelly's house before we went to get pictures, but definitely not the fashion editorial type we were striving for.  More of a portrait.

Kelly Portrait

We came back about five hours later when the sky had cleared and we had gotten some breakfast in us.  Good news was there was light, bad news was it was very bright light. So we worked with what we had. I ninjaed the reflector again.  At times I had it propped up with my knee and foot like I did for my Let the Wild Thing Out shoot and at other times I had it propped up between some cut down grain and my tripod or the chair we brought.


We also tried to do a nice floating picture with flowers also floating around her, but we didn't plan for it well enough, and I didn't think it out as much as I should have.  Her position was awkward for a floating pic.  All flat footed.  But we shall see.  Perhaps I will re-edit the picture and give her new feet or something.  Or perhaps we will just reshoot.


Despite these adversities, which accompany basically every shoot I should think, we ended up with some pretty nice photographs.

Check out my flickr for more photos!

And my About Me for more links and contact information.

Let The Wild Thing Out

O my, It has been a while.  I should schedule this type of thing into my everyday work load.  Welllllll, let us start recapping.  I've done some great shoots since we last talked, though I probably have not been as busy as I should have been. We had lots and lots of great big storms this summer, which worked to my advantage at times and disadvantage at other times.  In this particular instance it worked.

A huggeeeee tree feel in my back yard in Charlotte and I immediately knew I wanted to take pictures of Rebecca there. Preferably before all of the leaves turned brown and/or before my father cut it into tiny pieces.  Which was a concern.  He was going to do it the day I scheduled the photoshoot, but I convinced him to postpone! He was all "Well hurry up and do it.  Don't take forever."

So we went for it basically immediately.  I called Becca, she dropped everything, well not everything, Becca took her sweet time, and we prettied her up and went to take pictures. It was midday basically so the light was pretty harsh, but we were working against the clock as Becca had to go to work.  And if I do say so myself, I think we ended up with some great photos.

Here is the one I am most proud of:

Model in the Wild

I was a ninja while taking this photo, literally.  I was balancing the reflector with my knee up in the air while trying to focus and frame correctly.  Becca was having a hard time being serious while that was happening.  Can't really blame her.  I think the photo turned out great!

Here's another one from the shoot:

You can see the massiveness of the tree in this picture a little better.  Rebecca was a good sport about getting all down in the leaves and sprawling out.  Even as she was being attacked by my dog, and bugs, and stray branches.

The zebra print dress was mine from Rue 21, but I ended up giving it to her as it clearly looks amazing on her.  She had to go find her own belt though.

Sadly, Rebecca has moved to New York to fulfill her modeling dreams, so I don't get to photograph her nearly as much as I would like.  But she is pursuing her dreams! So that's good! And I'm wishing her luck, and begging her to let me stay at her place when I come up.

See More Photos Here

Constructing Domesticity

I'm trying to get on an actual posting schedule.  I will! I know I will! Hopefully. Anyway, I did a shoot with my friend Rebecca the other week and it was an adventure in an of itself.

I got the idea for this shoot as soon as I realized there was a house going up on the lot next to our house.  I had Rebecca come over about an hour before the workers usually left and we got her all pretty and did her hair in little ringlets and we were ready.

The workers; however, had other ideas and it took them another hour before they all packed up to leave.  During this time, Becca, my mother, and I went out to the other side of the house to take pictures in the woods.  These did not come out as good as I would have liked them too, but it was a way to spend time.  Mum painstakingly held my reflector mad of posterboard and aluminum foil up and she was very proud of herself when she saw the results.  She told me she wanted accolades so here they are! Ha.  This little outing; however, did have the unfortunate effect of causing all of Becca's ringlets to wilt since it was about 95 degrees.  We finished taking pictures and still the workers were hammering and being on site so we were unable to sneak on the property and make beautiful art.

We went inside to cool off, wait, (have a nice beer), and spy on the workers through the window.  We made up a few stories for them to pass the time as well.   We were about halfway cooled off (done with beer) when they started packing up to head out so we got prepared, gathered up my mother, my reflector, and my camera and prepared to walk nonchalantly over.

Our plans were spoiled again! My dog made a mad dash out the door and I, my mother, and my father had to drop everything (carefully) and give chase! (Becca tried, one must give her credit, but she was in four inch heels and a dress from the fifties soooooo...)

Dekker's Pretense at Innocence

Now, you have to imagine this is the most fun Dekker has had in a while and he will not go back easily.  He dodges and weaves around me, or straight up uses his hundred and ten pound bulk to plow by me.  Needless to say, he led me on a merry chase and was only caught when he had gotten tired (he's a bit lazy) and a lovely, good samaritan neighbor helped me corner him behind a truck. He was still very proud of himself afterwards.

We walked back to Becca teetering on her heels at the end of the driveway and returned Dekker to his abode.  Then we went to take beautiful pictures.  I wanted to get up to the top floor, but stairs had not been built yet, and the ladder had been bolted to the floor.  I am not kidding, bolted!  The pictures still came out great through! Here's what we got!

I hope you enjoy them!

Here's a link to my flickr as well!

The First Studio Time

So I've been in the studio before, but never to officially shoot for myself.  I'm always either modeling or assisting or pretending that I'm not officially there to shoot for myself. A couple weeks ago Taylor and I went in for our "first" time in the studio.  Taylor and I are studio partners.  Mainly because we are awesome, but also because there is a shortage of available times to shoot in the studio.  Our assignment was to shoot our studio assistant in three different kinds of lighting, but me being me and not knowing who he was at the time, I made other arrangements as well.  Nothing big. I just asked one of my friends to show up so I could fool around a bit and take some portraits of him if possible.

Well our assistant, Phil, is a nice fellow, if a bit on the quiet side.  Taylor and I might have frightened him a bit with our sarcasm and blatantly dirty jokes.  I think he is almost used to us now.  Though I do think he believes we are very, very odd.  So here are some of the photos for the shoot.  First Phil, and then Cody.

Here is Phil lit with only a softbox.


I'm sorry if it's a bit green.  Really it looks fine on my computer.

Now Phil lit with an umbrella.


For Cody, I strayed from what we were supposed to do for the assignment, mainly because it was not for the assignment....



Well Voila!